State & County Mental Health Agencies

XFERALL works with State & County Mental Health Agencies to ensure people in crisis get the right care, right away.

XFERALL Works with State & County Mental Health Agencies to Ensure People in Crisis get the Right Care, Right away.

State/County Mental Health Authorities are tasked with administering funding for and overseeing the delivery of behavioral health services. Counties are facing an acute escalation of the mental and behavioral health crisis. In a recent NACo survey, 75 percent of counties reported an increase in the incidence of behavioral health conditions over the past year and 89 percent reported an increase compared to five years ago. While counties work to respond, the financial and human cost of behavioral health is compounding across all county systems. 

Streamlined Patient Transfers Efficiently Help Any Healthcare Facility.

Implementing a truly digital patient transfer network process automatically connects you to surrounding hospitals and healthcare facilities to transfer patients to. 

As a Sending Facility, Patient Transfers Have Never Been So Easy.

Quickly and effectively request patient transfers to multiple facilities as a sending facility. Locate nearby facilities that have the requirements your patient needs for care and request availability instantaneously. Receive responses real time. Place patients faster. Improve ED throughout.

For Receiving Facilities, 1-Click Response Bed Availability.

When sending facilities, request a patient transfer matching your care capabilities. You will be  automatically notified of the patient transfer request. Receive clinical information needed via HIPAA compliant platform to determine acceptance. No need to wait for multi-page faxes. Simply respond with 1-click through the XFERALL platform to request more information on the patient or accept the patient transfer. Once the patient has been treated as your facility, use XFERALL to coordinate outpatient care as part of your discharge process.

Analytics with Insights

XFERALL gives you actionable insights helping you make impactful decisions at your hospital or facility.  Easily view how many patient requests are coming into your facility and how many are getting accepted or denied with verifiable data. 

Why Use A Patient Transfer Network?

Reduce Patient Transfer Times

Reduces patient transfer times by 80% to 90% with an automated, real-time, collaborative communications platform.

Real Time Collaboration

Behavioral Health Facilities can collaborate with nearby facilites through the platform. Instantly sharingvisibility into cases.

Secure & HIPAA Compliant

XFERALL is HIPAA compliant allowing team based coordination enabling the sharing of documentsreal-time within your network-no more faxing.

Easy Historical Record Storage

Provides a historical record of all patient transfer requests and tracking for response times and reasons for patient denials.

Learn More Today

Get Patients The Right Care, Right Away.


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